Ten Songs That Will Be irrelevant By 2032

A lot can happen in a decade

Laurie Livingston Nave
The Partnered Pen
Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2022


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A lot can happen in a decade. A decade ago, my kids were in high school, both my parents were alive, I was married to a different person, I was working a dead-end job, and there was no TikTok. Barak Obama was president, Mitt Romney ran against him, and same-sex marriage was still illegal.

In that spirit, here are 10 songs that will be irrelevant ten years from now:

  1. She Works Hard for the Money by Donna Summer
    Donna Summer might have had to hustle from 9–5 (before being discovered, of course), but with universal income, we don’t have to do that anymore. I mean, if you still want to work hard, you can. But it won’t be for money. Because you won’t get to keep most of it. My advice — buy bread.
  2. God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood
    Blessing is a positive thing. And we don’t want anything or anyone blessing the USA because bad. Bad bad bad bad. You nationalist ‘Merca-cult jerk! How dare you ask God. And don’t get started on God! Besides, God is not going to be blessing any country in 2032; He’s going to be watching the clock while Jesus saddles His white horse.
  3. Dude Looks Like a Lady by Aerosmith
    Where do I begin…First, gender stereotypes. Just because he isn’t wearing flannel and burping, he looks like a lady??? And what is a lady…



Laurie Livingston Nave
The Partnered Pen

The downhill trip is more fun than the uphill. A 50+ year old mother, wife, nerd, musician and writer. Follow me at https:www.laurienaveauthor.com